BLACK GOLD BLACK WHITE L - Black Gold, Black White A - Black Gold, Black White L
- Black Gold, Black White A - Black Gold, Black White Black Gold (clap 2x) Black White (clap 2x) Black Gold (clap),
Black White (clap) Go Fight, Fight, Fight Go Fight (clap 2x) and win (clap 2x) For U (clap) S (clap) T (clap 3x)
TOMAS SPELLING L - Santo Tomas Spelling A - Santo Tomas Spelling L - Santo Tomas Spelling A
- Santo Tomas Spelling Ready 1, 2, 3 (clap) S-A-N-T-O T-O-M-A-S Santo Tomas Fight!
READY L - Tigers ready A - Tigers ready L - Tigers ready A - Tigers ready (clap)
rah T-I-G-E-R-S rah T-I-G-E-R-S rah Tigers, Tigers, Fight, Fight, Fight Tigers, Tigers, rah, rah, rah Tigers,
Tigers, Fight, Fight, Fight (repeat)
L - Tomasino set ready 1,2,3 L - Tomasino A - Tomasino L
- hah! clap 1-2 3-4 (same with black gold black white) Viva eL Tomasino (clap 1-2-3) Liga eL Tomasino (clap 1-2-3)
Viva La Liga eL Tomasino (clap 1-2) Viva La Liga eL Tomasino (clap 1-2) eL Tomasino, eL Tomasino (clap 1-2-3)
(repeat until last line) Viva eL Tomasino!
OFFENSE (when ust has possession of the ball) Let's Go, UST Let's go fight UST Let's
go fight UST Let's go fight
then transition to
(when opponent has the ball) Oh! Defensa!!! Oh! Defensa!!!
YOSI (after every free
throw attempt) or (when name of the player is called in the introduction) marlboro drumbeat then ONE FOR UST!
Tigers (clap 1-2 3-4 5) repeat until fade
BENGBENG L - Go fight UST A - Go Fight UST L - Go Fight UST A - Go Fight UST Go fight UST 1-2 3-4
drumbeats after every drumbeat, chant Go fight UST!
OCHO eight snare intro Oh! Eyo,Eyo Eyo,Eyo Eyo, Eyo UST! (repeat 6x)
wanna hear
the cheers
and the beats
in mp3 ?
click MEDIA and then click AUDIO
